
Things to know about data protection

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Phishing-Angriffe erhöhen sich signifikant. Hacker verwenden gewöhnliche Markennamen und alltägliche Aktivitäten, um Betrug zu begehen. Zscaler und Check Point haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, dies genauer zu untersuchen.
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Data Security: A Major Pitfall in GDPR Compliance

Data breaches often trigger administrative investigations as well as attention by the media, making data security to one of the major pitfalls for companies when it comes to GDPR compliance. We will explain strategic...

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Data Security
Businessman shredding documents
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“Right to be Forgotten”: How Long to Retain Customer Data?

In the age of big data, the aim of giving natural persons effective control about what information exist about them out there seems ambitious. Nevertheless, the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) includes the principles of data minimization...

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Consumer Rights
Smiling business woman drinking coffee with cookies on workplace
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Website-Compliance: How to Lawfully Use Cookies

Whilst debates among EU institutions and lobby groups on a revision of cookie regulations continue, the data protection supervisory authorities in Europe carry on with interpreting and enforcing the existing regulations by taking...

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Hand drawing a red line between the UK and the rest of the European Union. Concept of Brexit. The UK is thus on course to leave the EU on 29 March 2019
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Brexit: GDPR and the EU Withdrawal of the United Kingdom

The ongoing debate surrounding Brexit is heating up across Europe. The rejection of Theresa May's negotiated deal by the British Parliament, along with the rejection of a "No-Deal Brexit" last Wednesday, has left the future uncertain...

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Data Security

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