Awaiting the impact of EU the Digital Services Art
- Author: Wolfgang von Sandersleben, DP-Dock GmbH
- Last updated: November 2023
- Category: Enforcement
It is now less than three months before the Digital Services Act (DSA) becomes effective on February 17, 2024, which was originally introduced to keep tech giants like Meta and Google from allowing the movement of illegal content and prevent the spreading of hate speech online. Digital platforms like Wikipedia, Amazon, Zalando and TikTok were called to showcase their plan of being compliant with the new digital legislation, with the latter two already having put forward their plans on the ways of applying the DSA. On the other side, Zalando has filed a lawsuit against the European Commission questioning the criteria under which an online platform is considered “very large”. However general feedback on the DSA has been positive with EU establishing its role as an innovative power in the digital world as well.
DP-Dock offers a new service as an Art. 13 DSA Legal Representative – out of various EU member states. In case you want to know more about this service and how it can help your enterprise, please contact us at