EU Parliament (EP) finalizes the adoption of the AI Act

  • Author: Wolfgang von Sandersleben, DP-Dock GmbH
  • Last updated: June 2024
  • Category: General Obligations

The landmark decision of the EP to adopt the AI Act has been a revolutionary development in guaranteeing fundamental rights while boosting innovation. On May 21st, 2024 the Council of the Member States has followed this decision which finalizes the implementation of the new rules on Artificial Intelligence (“AI”).

For those who are using AI systems for their websites and businesses, one important feature is the date of application. This basically depends very much so on the nature of the AI. Since the purpose of the AI Act is to guarantee safe and lawful AI, not all systems can be covered by the same set of rules. Innovative technologies like AI demands differentiation between risks that are intolerable and those who do not pose an imminent threat. The application of the Act will be oriented on the risk assessment of the AI and which category of AI is being used - as in models and systems.

The Act further obliges a provider from third countries to have an authorized representative located within the EU. This is a mandate similar to other services DP-Dock is already offering in line with other Regulations, such as the GDPR, TCOR and DSA., we are motivated to offer third country companies the representation in EU matters, to ensure a lawful placement of AI systems in the internal market.

In order to be prepared for the date of enforcement, the DP-Dock team is further educating itself with the help of experts in the field of AI and the usage of such. To guarantee our customers the best possible service, we will keep you posted once the AI Act representative services is available.

For more info please click here.

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